You’re at a friends house, having a little fun. Then someone pulls out a Ouja board and asks if you want to play. You say, “Yeah, sure,” thinking it’s all fun and games. You and your friends sit on the floor, making a circle around the board; two fingers on the planchette. You get started, and as you sit there, trying not to laugh at how absurd this is, the planchette begins to move. But you’re not doing it, so someone else is. You look around the circle at everyone. “Who’s doing that,” you ask, and everyone remains quiet. The planchette begins moving faster and faster, around in a figure-8, before stopping abruptly. Your heart is racing, and you’re telling yourself this is all just a game, it’s not real, but it’s not over yet. The planchette starts moving again, this time stopping on the letters Z-O-Z-O. ZOZO, what’s that?

According to the Dictionnaire Infernal, written in 1818 by Jacques Colin de Plancy, In 1816, in the town of Teilly in Picardy (In the French region), a young girl claimed to be possessed. She said she was in the power of three demons, Mimi, ZoZo, and Crapoulet. She was taken to the hospital, where there was no mention of her possession. Workers believed she was up to no good, playing many tricks

King Henry III eventually sent his surgeon to examine the girl, and when she was questioned she responded with nonsense. The surgeon made requests to her in Latin, which she did not like. They discovered this was not her first time claiming demonic possession, and she was condemned to life imprisonment.
This is the first documented case of ZoZo, but certainly not the last. One of the most notable happened in 1982.
A contracter found an odd Ouija board buried in the crawlspace of his girlfriend’s family home, in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. The Ouija board had 2 sides, the standard, William Fuld side, and the other, a dark side, painted black with raven’s wings around the word ZoZo, located where the word Ouija would normally be.
Paranormal researcher Darren Evans was contacted to find out more. He began with further examination of the location where the board had been found. He discovered jars of dead, yet preserved, blackbirds, buried at each of the four corners of the Ouija board. On the top of each jar was a white, chalky substance. He attributed that to the white chalk, o r lime, used by many ancient cultures to purify oneself before battle, or as part of a magical ritual.
The blackbirds could signify a means of barring entry. As though something had tried to co me through the board before, but the birds were guarding it, and keeping it from coming through again.
Evans ultimately played with the Ouija board with his girlfriend. The demon shared information with him from the other side, and over time, Evans became obsessed. Unfortunately, ZoZo was a sinister demon and it was only a matter of time before Evans had a nervous breakdown, claiming that demons were following him.

The demon threatened Evans’ daughter, telling him he was going to steal her soul. She nearly died, and Evans realized he had to do something. He pursued exorcism to get ZoZo away from his family, and now, he runs a site dedicated to warning people of the dangers of messing with ZoZo.
So, how will you know if ZoZo has come out to play? Like many demons, ZoZo likes to make his presence known. Keep an eye out for these warning signs:
- Rapid movements: If you are using an Ouija board, the planchette may begin moving rapidly. If you are doing hypnosis, the pendant or pendulum may begin to swing.
Announcements: ZoZo may announce himself by spelling out his name. - Feelings of unease: You may feel a sudden weight of dread or unease descend upon you.
- Darkness: You may see shadows moving, or the room you are in may get darker.
- If you feel that ZoZo is with you, do not panic, but take action to end the connection to prevent bodily or mental harm.
If, however, ZoZo has contacted you, take the following steps to protect yourself:
- Remain calm: Demons and evil spirits feed off of fear, so take deep, calming breaths and steady yourself.
- Close the session: If you are playing Ouija, move the planchette to “goodbye” and formally close the game. If you are using another contact method, close it immediately.
- Do not speak his name: Using his name gives him power. Avoid speaking about him or to him.
- Seek help: If you feel you still have ZoZo near you, seek out help from a paranormal professional or a religious leader, such as a priest or rabbi.
- ZoZo is a dangerous demon and you should use Ouija cautiously to avoid contacting him.

Continue reading about the paranormal with this story about Amityville.