The Sluagh, pronounced SLOO-AH, are an Irish group of creatures, most commonly depicted as fae, or fairies, gone wild. Most believed them to be an otherworldly race with no loyalty, no mercy, and stealers of the immortal souls of the living. Once human, these creatures, or phantoms, were so evil, that they were even rejected from Hell itself.
They come out at night, hunting, taking on various forms, from emaciated beasts to a flock of ravens. Most commonly, they take the shape of a gigantic black bird with leathery wings and disfigured legs. Regardless of their shape, they always smell terrible, like the rotting flesh of the deceased.

The Sluagh come out at night. They target the weak, preying on those who are sick or dying, but can also attack the strong and healthy. If you say their name, they will come, and there is no escape, however those with a broken heart, or the depressed are their victim of choice. Their goal? To devour your soul, and just before they do, they let out a blood curdling screech, ensuring that is the last thing you hear before your soul is ripped from your mortal body.
The stolen soul is then forced to live forever as one of the Sluagh.
You can protect yourself from the Sluagh. Knowing that they come from or fly in from the west, you should always lock all doors and windows that face in that direction. And never, ever, say their name.
Another flying creature to look out for is the Jersey Devil.