We’re all familiar with Santa Claus, also known as St. Nick or Kris Kringle. Some know of Krampus or Frau Perchta. But, have you ever heard of Grýla, the Christmas Witch?
Continue reading “Grýla, The Christmas Witch”The Elusive Chupacabra
When I hear about the chupacabra, I immediately think of some ancient, mysterious, creature. I think of things like Acheri, or Walking Sam – myths and legends that are hundreds of years old. In reality, the chupacabra isn’t that old, with its first sightings being in the 1970’s. Where did this creature come from and what does it want?
Continue reading “The Elusive Chupacabra”A Baby Cries in the Sensabaugh Tunnel
Imagine taking a late night drive. You come upon a tunnel in desperate need of repair; cracks are visible in the cement and graffiti is everywhere. Regardless, you choose to drive through, but your car suddenly dies. You try to restart it, but it won’t turn over. Glancing into your rearview mirror you see the shadow of a woman in your back seat. This is just one possibility of what could happen if you drive through the Sensabaugh Tunnel.
Continue reading “A Baby Cries in the Sensabaugh Tunnel”The Legend of Inunaki Village
Located in the countryside of Kyushu’s Fukuoka Prefecture, lies the lost Inunaki village, a place that exists apart from civilization as we know it. In fact, when you come to the entrance to the village, you will be greeted by signs warning that “the constitution and laws of Japan do not apply here.” Today, Inunaki village and the Old Inunaki Tunnel are considered to be one of the most haunted locations in all of Japan.
Continue reading “The Legend of Inunaki Village”Walking Sam
Teenage years are tough. School, relationships, responsibilities, and puberty on top of it. The last thing you need is someone telling you you’re worthless, or undeserving of affection; someone encouraging you to end your life. Unfortunately, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, this is a reality, and the words of discouragement are coming from Walking Sam.
Continue reading “Walking Sam”Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess
The year is 1600, and your parents have sent you to stay with a beautiful countess in her castle. The countess was going to teach you all of the things that would make you a perfect lady, but that’s what she told your family. Once you were in her custody, the nightmare began. She cut her girls and drank their blood. Sometimes she would kill them, and fill a bath with their blood to bathe in. Your turn was coming up. She is Elizabeth Bathory.
Continue reading “Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess”The Red Piano: Russian Urban Legend
An urban legend is a tale passed on from person to person, generation to generation, until eventually, it’s roots have become difficult to trace. Some urban legends are based on real life events, while others are simply stories. Every culture has their own legends; even Russia. This one is about the Red Piano.
Continue reading “The Red Piano: Russian Urban Legend”Okiku: The Doll Who Grows Human Hair
Most people would agree that dolls are creepy. They are intended to be nothing more than a child’s plaything, and yet, they terrify adults. Perhaps that’s because of dolls like Okiku, who grows human hair.
The Legend of La Llorona
Kuchisake Onna: The Slit Mouthed Woman
Samurai (/saməˌrī/)
Noun: A member of a powerful military caste in feudal Japan, especially a member of the class of military retainers of the daimyos.
During the Heian period (794-1185 AD), there was a Samurai who was a most fearsome warrior. While away, working to subdue the native Emishi people in the Tohoku Region, his wife, Kuchisake was left home, unattended.