On the morning of January 15, 1947, the body of Elizabeth Short, known primarily as the black dahlia, was found in a vacant lot on the west side of South Norton Avenue, midway between Coliseum Street and West 39th Street in Leimert Park, Los Angeles. She was naked, her body severed into two pieces and drained of blood. To this day, her murder remains unsolved.
Most of us know the story of Lizzie Borden (if you don’t, you can check it out here). What most people don’t know, is that there were other people who had motive to kill Andrew and Abby Borden.
How many times do you see a troop of girl scouts standing outside of the grocery store, selling those delicious cookies to raise money for camp? Have you ever wondered what happens at camp? Well, here’s a story that has only happened once, and hopefully never again.
April 13, 1986, Alan and Debby Tallman, along with their three children, moved into their dream house in Horicon, Wisconsin. Horicon is a small farming town, and as of the 2010 census, had a population of only 3,665. Alan was a shift supervisor at a manufacturing plan, and Debby was a stay-at-home mom. They were a churchgoing family, and were enjoying life.
The Tallman Home in Horicon, Wisconsin.
In early February 1987, they purchased a bunk bed at a second-hand shop. They assembled it and stored it in their basement. Within weeks, their children, who had rarely been sick, suddenly were sick all the time. They were in the doctor’s office regularly, sometimes even all three at the same time. That May, they decided to move the bed upstairs, a decision they would later come to regret.
Having a stalker can be a scary thing. They seem to know your every move, yet you have no idea who they are, and in most cases, what they want. That was the case for 32 year old Dorothy Jane Scott.
Away from home, you just finished showcasing your work in Kuala Lumpur. The excitement has died down, and you want nothing more than to return to the comfort of your own home. You board the plane along with family and colleagues, however the plane never reaches its final destination. Even worse. You, your plane, your family, everyone are just gone. No one knows where you are. You have become part of the mystery of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.
An Wenlan was among a group of 19 Chinese artists on board MH370.
Folie à deux; French: [fɔli a dø]; French for “madness of two,”, or shared psychosis, is a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief and sometimes hallucinations are transmitted from one individual to another. In the case of Ursula and Sabina Eriksson, Swedish twins, Folie à deux resulted in reckless behavior and homicide.
English explorer, soldier, and writer, Sir Walter Raleigh fought in the service of Queen Elizabeth I while in Ireland. He became a favorite of the Queen, and was knighted in 1585. He was made Captain of the Queen’s Guard, and was rewarded handsomely – including the right to colonize North America. His colony: Roanoke – before it disappeared.
Kenneka Jenkins was an American teenager who went missing after attending a party on the 9th floor of the Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare Hotel & Conference Center in Rosemont, Illinois. It wasn’t until after her mother demanded hotel staff search for her daughter, that she was found; dead, in the hotel freezer.
WARNING: The following content may be considered graphic or shocking. Read at your own risk.
On the morning of June 10, 1912, the Moore family of Villisca, Iowa, was found dead in their home. To this day, their murder remains unsolved. Their house, aptly named the Villisca Murder House, is haunted.