Lizzie Borden: The Other Suspects

Most of us know the story of Lizzie Borden (if you don’t, you can check it out here). What most people don’t know, is that there were other people who had motive to kill Andrew and Abby Borden.

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Lizzie Borden Had An Axe

It’s just another day – or so you thought. Working on your day’s chores, you take to the barn, looking for fishing sinkers. But it’s so warm, you climb up to the loft for a break to snack on a delicious pear. It’s easy to lose track of time in such a place, and what does it matter after all?  You’re 32, still living with your father and his wife, and have no prospects of your own. When you do finally emerge, life, as you knew it, will have forever changed. Poor Lizzie Borden.

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