Sallie lay awake on the operating table as the doctor began to cut into her. The anesthesia had not yet taken effect, but the doctor was anxious, eager to remove her appendix before it burst. Her screams could be heard throughout the house until her body went limp and they suddenly stopped. Sallie was dead, and no one would have imagined what would happen next. The house is now known as the Sallie House.
Continue reading “Is Sallie a Demon? The Sallie House”BTK – Bind, Torture, Kill
“I can’t stop it so, the monster goes on, and hurt me as wall as society. Society can be thankfull that there are ways for people like me to relieve myself at time by day dreams of some victim being tortore and being mine. It a big complicated game my friend of the monster play putting victims number down, follow them, checking up on them waiting in the dark, waiting, waiting…the pressure is great and somt-times he run the game to his liking. Maybe you can stop him. I can’t. He has already chosen his next victim or victims. I don’t know who they are yet. The next day after I read the paper, I will Know, but it to late. Good luck hunting.”