The Haunting of Maria Jose Ferreira

Poltergeist: A ghost or other supernatural being supposedly responsible for physical disturbances such as loud noises and objects thrown around. In 1965, 11-year-old Maria Jose Ferreira found herself the playmate of a poltergeist.

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The Curse of the Bell Witch

Late summer, 1817, in Adams, Tennessee. Farmer John Bell was out tending his fields. He saw what appeared to be a dog with the head of a rabbit among his crops, so he shoots at it. The animal disappeared, leaving him wondering whether he hit it or not.

At about the same time as the animal disappeared, something moved into his family home where John lived with his wife, Lucy, and their six children, Betsy, Richard, John Jr., Drewry, Benjamin, and Jesse. There were scratching sounds, rapping against the walls and doors. Then blankets were pulled from beds while they were being slept in. Before long, John Bell’s family was being kicked, scratched, and having their hair pulled.

John’s daughter, Betsy, found herself the primary target. She was slapped, pinched, bruised and her hair mangled. Once, she even vomited pins and needles. Her family, thinking if she weren’t in the home, she would stop being tormented. Unfortunately, the disturbances followed her wherever she went.

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The Ouija Board and ZOZO

You’re at a friends house, having a little fun. Then someone pulls out a Ouja board and asks if you want to play. You say, “Yeah, sure,” thinking it’s all fun and games. You and your friends sit on the floor, making a circle around the board; two fingers on the planchette. You get started, and as you sit there, trying not to laugh at how absurd this is, the planchette begins to move. But you’re not doing it, so someone else is. You look around the circle at everyone. “Who’s doing that,” you ask, and everyone remains quiet. The planchette begins moving faster and faster, around in a figure-8, before stopping abruptly. Your heart is racing, and you’re telling yourself this is all just a game, it’s not real, but it’s not over yet. The planchette starts moving again, this time stopping on the letters Z-O-Z-O. ZOZO, what’s that?

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