Have you ever packed your luggage so full that someone jokingly asks, “You got a body in there?” It’s a joke, or at least it’s supposed to be. After Issei Sagawa killed and ate his classmate, Renée Hartevelt, he loaded her remains into a suitcase, caught a taxi, and drove off to dispose of her body. Funny thing – the taxi driver asked if he had a body in there before driving him to a nearby park.
Continue reading “Issei Sagawa, A Cannibal Set Free”Austin Harrouff, the Florida Frat Boy Cannibal
They say the craziest stories come out of Florida. The story of Austin Harrouff, the Florida Frat Boy Cannibal is just one of those stories.
Continue reading “Austin Harrouff, the Florida Frat Boy Cannibal”Joe Metheny, Sandwich Anyone?
This is the story of Joe Metheny, a serial killer/cannibal from Maryland. “My murder rampage started out as revenge but ended up as a passion for the taste of blood and the overwhelming sense of power one gets for taking the life of another,” said Metheny in his confession.
Continue reading “Joe Metheny, Sandwich Anyone?”Albert Fish: Killer of Children
On Sunday June the 3 – 1928 I called on you at 406 W 15 St. Brought you pot cheese – strawberries. We had lunch. Grace sat in my lap and kissed me. I made up my mind to eat her, on the pretense of taking her to a party. You said Yes she could go. I took her to an empty house in Westchester I had already picked out. When we got there, I told her to remain outside. She picked wild flowers. I went upstairs and stripped all my clothes off. I knew if I did not I would get her blood on them. When all was ready I went to the window and called her. Then I hid in a closet until she was in the room. When she saw me all naked she began to cry and tried to run down stairs. I grabbed her and she said she would tell her mama. First I stripped her naked. How she did kick – bite and scratch. I choked her to death then cut her in small pieces so I could take my meat to my rooms, cook and eat it. How sweet and tender her little ass was roasted in the oven. It took me 9 days to eat her entire body. I did not fuck her, though, I could of [sic] had I wished. She died a virgin. ~ Albert Fish
Excerpt taken from a letter sent by Albert Fish to the mother of Grace Budd.

Tamara Samsonova is the Granny Ripper
July 26, 2015, dogs sniffed out the remains of 79 year old Valentina Ulanova at an apartment building in the suburbs of St. Petersburg, Russia. Her body had been decapitated and spread out across seven different garbage bags. CCTV and blood trails on the floor of the apartment building led police to the door of 68 year old Tamara Samsonova, who had been working as a caregiver for Mrs. Ulanova.
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