When is a game no longer a game, and instead a ritual? Games and rituals have many things in common; set up, game play or ritual elements, and the end. Games are generally risk free, whereas a ritual comes with its own set of consequences – whether you complete it correctly, or not.

If you enjoy all things creepy, then you’re probably familiar with YouTube and the numerous 3AM Challenges creators record and share. Today we bring you the Spirit of the Door, also known as the Ghost Paper Challenge. The Spirit of the Door is brought to us by YouTuber Stromedy. According to his video, the challenge was introduced to him by his uncle, who said it was a pretty big deal when he was a kid, similar to how we now play “Bloody Mary.” According to his uncle, it really works.
The basis, or point, of the game is to contact a spirit and ask them a question on a sheet of paper that gets passed back and forth under a door. As with all 3AM Challenges, there is always risk, so proceed with caution
How to play:
1 – More can be present, however it is up to 1 to actually participate.
You will need:
- A sheet of paper
- A writing device (can be pen, pencil, marker…)
- A candle and a lighter
- A room with a door. Pick your room carefully, as you will need to remain inside until dawn.
- A method of watching the time
- 3 questions to ask.
- Shortly before 3am, gather your materials and turn off all lights in your house.
- Go to your chosen door, and close it. If more than 1 person is present, all must be on the same side of the door.
Making contact:
- Sit facing the door, your sheet of paper in front of you. Light the candle and place it next to your paper. The candle must be your only source of light.
- At precisely 3am, knock on the door three times.
- Repeat the following phrase three times, “Spirit of the door, I welcome you; make yourself present and come through.”
The conversation:
- Using your writing device, write your first question on the paper. This first question should be some form of “Are you there?” When you are finished, set your writing device on the sheet of paper.
- Carefully slide the paper and writing device about halfway under the door.
- Wait. If the paper is pulled to the other side of the door, then you have succeeded in contacting the spirit.
Note: If, by chance, the paper remains where it is, then you have failed to make contact. Extinguish your candle, and you can try again another time. - The paper will be slid back under the door with an answer. You are now welcome to ask your second question.
- Following the same steps as before, ask your question and slide the paper halfway under the door. Repeat this for your third question as well.
- Do Not ask more than three questions.
- If for any reason, the paper is not returned, Do Not proceed. Apologize out loud and thank the spirit for its time. Extinguish the candle and remain inside the room until daylight. In this situation, it is recommended that you be very careful about trying again another time.
The Goodbye:
- After you have asked your three questions, thank the spirit for its time and extinguish the candle.
- Keep the door shut, and do not attempt to open it or leave until daylight.
You can play the Spirit of the Door as many times as you want, however only place once per day, and even then, take caution as the spirit may grow weary of your questions. As with all things in the spirit world, you walk a fine line between talking to a friendly spirit, and a demon.
your advice no1 it will taught every one for a lesson