In 1986 there was a surge in the number of people entering the Himalayan mountains, and never leaving. Those who did escape reported hearing a loud ringing alarm, so loud they had to cover their ears and run, and even then suffered severe or complete hearing loss. They may not have known it at the time, but they had just come into contact with Siren Head.

The area was evacuated and that night, they sent in a team to learn more about what was creating the alarm sound. Having reached a distance of 10 meters (approximately 32 feet) from the entity, the alarm rang out. In seconds, half of the team was dead, and the rest made a run for it, their radios destroyed by the nameless entity. Those who did make it back to base were deaf. Autopsies of the dead revealed that their brains had exploded. Having seen the creature, the foundation had no choice but to bomb the area, hitting it and allowing a team to restrain him.
The creature was 40 feet tall, humanoid in nature, with an emaciated, almost skeleton like body. His flesh was like that of a mummy, dried and the color of rust. He smelled like burnt skin. His arms were long, as long as his legs, and he had exceptionally large and bony hands. His neck looked like a long thin pole of flesh, and his head was nothing more than two sirens. You can see what appears to be several black wires snake down and around his neck, and into his upper shoulders. Looking at the sirens you could see toothy, lipless human-like jaws, and a long snake-like tongue.

Observations have shown that Siren Head can play various types of noises, usually air raid sirens, garbled music, emergency broadcasts, and even conversations. It is also worth noting that his teeth are only visible on certain radio frequencies.
While the first sighting was in the Himalayan Mountains, there have also been sightings of Siren Head in Tanyard Creek in Arkansas. On July 16, 1995, a man named Chad and his friends were hiking in the woods. Something through the trees was mimicking their voices, and his friends were snatched by something gigantic. Chad escaped with few injuries, but his friends were gone.
Throughout North America, caves are being uncovered with ancient cave paintings resembling Siren Head. These paintings showed him combatting people of the time.

What may be of further interest are the sightings of creatures that very closely resemble Siren Head. One had a head resembling a streetlight, while another was able to transform into various structures in order to blend in with his surroundings. One other sighting showed Siren Head with more than the known two sirens on his head. The witness counted five. In this particular area where he was spotted, the majority of the population was found dead, having suffered burst ear-drums and soft tissues. While most of the bodies were found in their homes, or on the streets, several were never found, leading some to speculate that he was not just killing for sport, but perhaps for food.
Siren Head was created by Trevor Henderson, a Canadian illustrator, artist, and writer. He is most commonly known for his horror related works and has released several books and graphic novels. Some of his most well-known creations are Cartoon Cat, Long Horse, the Country Road Creature, the Bridge Worms, the Man with the Upside-Down Face, the Smile Room, and, of course, Siren Head. You can see some of his other creations here, and on his Instagram.
Note: Stories of Siren Head are all fictional, and have been retold based on those on the SCP Wiki, where Siren Head was given the label SCP-6789. These stories have since been removed.
Sirenhead is not an SCP.
Thank you for your comment. At the time this story was researched and published, Siren Head had been labeled SCP-6789 across many pages, including the SCP Wiki. Following your comment I have looked again, and there is only 1 site I have found that labels Siren Head as a SCP. I appreciate your time and will update my post to reflect this.
Siren head is not SCP, I’m not trying to derail anything you have stated here, but SCP-6789 does not exist. Siren head was created by Trevor Henderson, he creates cryptids all the time and siren head is his popular creation. Siren Head is a separate from the SCP community
Thank you for your comment. At the time this story was researched and published, Siren Head had been labeled SCP-6789 across many pages, including the SCP Wiki. Following your comment I have looked again, and there is only 1 site I have found that labels Siren Head as a SCP. I appreciate your time and will update my post to reflect this.