When someone passes, you can feel empty, lost, confused. In many cases, you may have questions, or even apologies to make. You can talk to the heavens, pray that they can hear you, or you can try to make a phone call. While the Shoebox Telephone doesn’t promise results, it could be worth trying.

How to play:
You will need:
- A phone booth – in this case a closet will suffice.
- 1 Paper cup, which will work as your handset.
- 1 Shoebox
- A string, 2-4 feet in length, plus a needle. This will act as your phone line.
- Scissors
- 1 piece of paper and a pen (do not use a pencil).
- A flat surface to write on
- Power object – an object that has a strong, personal connection to the person you wish to talk to. This is very important.
- At the end of your day, right before you’re about to go to bed. The exact hour doesn’t matter, only the fact that your day is essentially over.
- Turn off all electronic devices. This includes Cell Phones, TV’s, Computers, Tablets, etc. The lights may stay on.
- Enter your phone booth and clear your mind; meditate or do whatever you need to clear any negative or distracting energy.
- When the time is right (you’ll know when), take up your pen and paper and write a letter to the person to whom you wish to speak. Explain to the person why they should call you. If you should happen to make a mistake, do not cross it out, don’t correct any mistakes. Just write, without overthinking it.
- When your letter is completed take your string and tie one end of it to your power object. Using your needle, thread the other side of the string through the paper cup and knot it. This is now your telephone line and handset.
The Game:
The Outbound Call:
- Pick up the paper cup and read your letter aloud into it. Make sure your reading is sincere, mistakes and all.
- Now, place your letter and the power object (string attached) into the shoebox. Set your scissors down next to it. Set your paper cup, top down, nearby.
- Now you wait. Wait for the phone to ring. Go to bed, sleep, it’s coming.
The Inbound Call:
- The “ring” will come in a dream, either that night, or some night shortly thereafter. You will dream of the person who is trying to all you, and it will wake you up. When it happens, it’s time to take the call.
- Get up and carefully enter your “phone booth.” Do not turn on the light, and do not speak.
Caution: If you find your shoebox open or your paper cup knocked over, do not place the headset anywhere near your ear. Keep the shoebox closed and snap the string with your hands (or with your scissors).
- If the shoebox and paper cup are undisturbed, then take a seat and close the door.
- Place the paper cup next to one ear, and cover your other ear with your hand.
- Listen. Listen very carefully. Don’t speak, and try to be as still as you can as this will help you hear.
- Don’t touch the box. Some have reported that carefully tugging on the string improves call quality, but whatever you do, do not open the box.
- Don’t say a word. You may be asked questions; you may be ordered to say something. But do not speak.
Ending the Call:
- When the call has finished, or if you wish to just hang up, hold the shoebox lid closed with one hand, while you use the other to pull the string from the box until it snaps. If you cannot do this with your hand, then you can use the scissors. No matter what you do, do not allow the shoebox to open.
- Move the shoebox to a safe location, where it will remain for several months. Be sure the shoe box cannot/will not be opened.
- As for the paper cup, never put it to your ear again, and burn it as soon as you can.
Additional Notes:
- If during the Outbound Call, the feeling of certainty to begin has not struck within an hour stop and do not proceed. Instead, go to bed, sleep, and try again the next night. If the right time doesn’t arrive after several nights, you can try to contact another person, or take a break for a few nights.
- Never write with uncertainty or negative thoughts. This could result in dialing a wrong number.
- Take the steps in order. Do not set up your cup/string before writing the letter.
- If you do not receive an inbound call after 4 nights, it’s possible the person you tried to contact has nothing to say to you. At this time it is safe to play again, to contact another person, however do not attempt to play the game too often.
Wrong Numbers:
- If you write your letter with uncertainty or negative thoughts, you could dial a wrong number. This can result in you contacting no one, or perhaps the wrong person.
- If you mistakenly contacted the wrong number you may experience any of the following:
- The wrong person could pretend to be the right person.
- The wrong person could feed you misinformation, either in the guise of the right person, or themself.
- The wrong person could give you a bad time.
- Never attempt to dial a wrong number.
If you enjoyed this game, check out Cat Scratch.
For the part “Caution: If you find your shoebox open or your paper cup knocked over, do not place the headset anywhere near your ear. Keep the shoebox closed and snap the string with your hands (or with your scissors).” why do you not want this and what will happen if you do put the cup to your ear?
The concern, if you find the shoebox open or paper cup knocked over, is that the entity is malicious. Placing the headset near your ear gives it a means to escape the confines of the box and enter your body.
Snapping the string eliminates its escape route.