Secure, Contain, Protect. That is the mission of The SCP Foundation.
SCP-096 is a humanoid creature, standing approximately 7.8 feet (2.38 meters) tall. Its body appears emaciated, very little muscle mass and clearly malnutritioned. Its skin and eyes lack pigmentation, and the subject appears void of body hair. Its arms reach out approximately 5 feet (1.4 meters) in length, highly disproportionate to the rest of the body. Its jaw can open four times more than that of the average human. Other than these few characteristics, SCP-096 appears human.
Retrieval of SCP-096 showed that SCP-096 can be extremely docile. The team went in with two helicopters and quickly spotted it. It was gold outside, but the creature showed no reaction to the temperature, even though it appeared to be completely naked. The team landed and approached. All but the Captain saw it. Immediately SCP-096 entered its agitated state. It began screaming, and crying – not like you would expect to hear from an animal, but like a person.

It moved in for the attack, picking up a member of the team and ripped off his leg. They opened fire, visibly “blowing chunks out of the target,” but it seemed to have no effect. The use of an anti-tank gun was ordered, tearing out half of the creature’s torso, but it went unfazed, not even flinching. The creature appeared to sustain massive blood loss, as well as the loss of most, if not all, of its organs, yet its bone structure was intact. Despite this, it carried on, attacking the squad that had seen its face.
Once the attack was over, the creature sat, taking several minutes to regain its composure before returning to its natural habitat. There was no trace left behind of the victims, which were labeled SCP-096-1 from that point forward.
Provocation of SCP-096 includes photos, videos, or recordings of SCP-096’s likeness, as well as simply viewing its face, causing great emotional distress. This has earned it the nickname “Shy Guy.” All it takes is 1-2 minutes for SCP-096 to get up and charge the person who viewed it. This person, the victim, is from that point forward referred to as SCP-096-1. Documented speeds start at 21 mph (25km/h), and vary depending on the distance from the SCP to its intended victim. There is no known material or method to deter it from its course of action.
SCP-096 has been contained by the SCP Foundation and currently resides in a 5x5x5 meter, airtight steel cube at all times. This cell is equipped with pressure sensors and laser detectors to ensure SCP-096 has not escaped. This cell is checked regularly for cracks and holes, and there is absolutely no video surveillance, or optical tools of any kind inside of the cell. There are no photos of the creature, only drawings based upon its known physical traits.

SCP-096 has been placed in the Euclid-class. This class is reserved for anomalies that require more resources to contain completely or where containment isn’t always reliable. Usually this is because the SCP is insufficiently understood or inherently unpredictable. Euclid is the Object Class with the greatest scope, and it’s usually a safe bet that an SCP will be this class if it doesn’t easily fall into any of the other standard Object Classes.
SCP-096 can be found in SCP – Containment Breach, a free survival horror game based on the works of the SCP Foundation community. This creature is also a popular character in various game mods including Minecraft, Roblox, and Garry’s Mod. There is also a short film by Abele (aka MrKlay) onYouTube. This movie is about the aftermath and resulting interview of Incident 096-1-A.