Have you ever seen a ghost? Have you ever seen those photos posted online where someone swears there is something supernatural in it? Have you ever tried to take a picture of a ghost yourself? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then we have just the game for you (and your friends). Enjoy the picture game.

How to play the Picture Game:
2 or more (the more the merrier!)
You will need:
- A camera with a flash (phone is okay, however Not recommended)
- A glass
- Scissors or a knife
- A small mirror for each player
- Rope
- Alcohol (wine is preferable, but any will do)
- A quiet room
- Begin at midnight.
- Using the rope, make a circle in the middle of the room, tying a knot at the end. The circle must be big enough for all players to sit around it comfortably.
- Place the glass in the center of the circle and fill it with your alcohol.
- Players take a seat around the circle, making sure no one steps into the center of the circle at any time, for any reason.
- Players will take their mirror and set it in front of them (outside of the rope circle), the reflective side up toward the ceiling.
- Turn off the lights.
The ritual:
- Players should now hold hands and close their eyes.
- Each person must say “I trust you” one after the other.
- After each player has declared their trust, the group must say, in unison, “The door is open, please come in” 3 times.
- At this time, players can open their eyes.
Taking pictures:
- Pass the camera around the circle. When it’s your turn with the camera, say out loud, “I caught you.” Ensuring the flash is on, aim the camera toward the middle of the circle and take a photo. Whatever you do, Do Not look at the image.
- Pass the camera around the circle. The camera will go around 3 times, giving each person the chance to take 3 pictures.
Note: If at any time, a player begins to cry or feels nauseous, Do Not allow them to take any more pictures, instead pass the camera to the next person in the circle.
Ending the ritual:
- Everyone in the circle must again close their eyes.
- In unison, say “It’s time to go home” 3 times.
- Each player must then turn their mirror upside down.
- Turn on the lights.
- With your knife or scissors, cut the rope, effectively breaking the circle.
- Take your glass with the alcohol outside, and pour it out into the dirt.
The evidence:
You are finished. You can now look at the pictures your group has taken. Look closely, is there anything out of the ordinary? Look closer, do you see a spirit? Look closer, is it anyone you know?
Notes for gameplay:
- If any of the following occur Stop Immediately and Do Not Proceed.
- One or more players state that they are afraid, frightened, or scared.
- One or more players begin acting in an unusual way.
- If the ritual must be aborted, you can do so at any time by putting the camera down and following the steps outlined in “Ending the ritual.”
- If someone meets the above criteria and has taken a picture, you Must Stop. Do Not look at the picture. Destroy the camera.
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