The Midnight Game is an old pagan ritual used as a punishment for those who have broken the laws of the pagan religion in question. It was mainly used as a scare tactic to not disobey the gods, there is still a very real chance of death and even higher chance of permanent mental scarring to those who play the Midnight Game. It is highly recommended that you do NOT play the Midnight Game.
The game is played by inviting an entity known as the Midnight Man inside your home. The goal of the game is to avoid meeting the Midnight Man in the dark. Continuous movement makes it difficult for him to find you, and should you stop moving, he will catch you.
Accounts vary as to what exactly will happen, should the Midnight Man catch you, but the top claims are as follows:
- The Midnight Man will induce a hallucination of your worst fear until the end of the game.
- The Midnight Man will remove your organs one by one, ripping them from your body. Death will soon follow.
Do not begin the game, unless you are sure you can finish it. There are no known methods to abort the game. At 3:33 AM, the Midnight Man will leave your home and then you may safely end the game.

How to play:
At least 1
You Will Need:
- 1 candle per player
- Lighter or book of matches
- 1 sheet of paper per player
- Writing tool
- Pin or needle
- 1 wooden door that can be opened and closed.
- Salt
The Invitation:
- Prior to midnight, every player must write their full name (first, middle, last) on a sheet of paper.
- Each player should prick his/her finger with a pin or needle and squeeze until a drop of blood appears. Let a drop of blood touch their sheet of paper and allow it to soak in.
- Turn off every light in the home/structure in which you are playing the game.
- Every player should place their sheet of paper with their name and blood on it in front of the wooden door. Light a candle for each player and place it on top of their sheet of paper.
- Close the door; every player must then knock on the door 22 times. The final knock must occur precisely when the clock chimes 12am.
- Open the door and blow out the candles and immediately relight each candle.
You have just invited the Midnight Man in. The game can now begin.
- Keeping your candle in hand, and salt, matches or lighter nearby, begin to move about. Do not stop moving until 3:33 AM.
- If at any time your candle goes out, you have 10 seconds to relight it. If you are successful, continue moving about.
- If you are unsuccessful in relighting your candle, immediately surround yourself with a circle of salt. Remain inside the circle until 3:33 AM.

A few notes for game play:
- Do NOT turn on any lights during the game.
- Do NOT use a flashlight during the game.
- Do NOT go to sleep during the game.
- Do NOT use a lighter instead of a candle during the game.
- Do NOT use another person’s blood rather than your own during the game.
- Do NOT attempt to leave your home during the game.
- Do NOT attempt to provoke the Midnight Man during the game.
- And most importantly: Do NOT assume that the Midnight Man has left your home for good at the conclusion of the game.
Ending the game:
At 3:33 AM, you can stop moving, or exit your circle of salt. You may turn on the lights. You have survived and the game is now over.
If you do not wish to play, but want to see what can happen, we recommend checking out this video by Sam Golbach, where he plays the Midnight Game with his friends. If, however, you played and survived the Midnight Game, we think you might be interested in ZOZO, though do not take that one lightly.