Many have heard of American child beauty pageant queen, JonBenét Ramsey. At just age 6, she was a star. But she wouldn’t live to see her 7th birthday.
On the night of December 25 – 26, 1996, JonBenét was found dead in her family’s home in Boulder, Colorado. A lengthy ransom note was found in the house, and her father, John Ramsey, found her body in the basement of their house approximately eight hours after she had been reported missing.
Her body was covered with a white blanket, her mouth taped shut with duct tape. JonBenét sustained a broken skull from a blow to the head, and had even been strangled. A ¼ inch white synthetic cord had been tied around her right wrist.

A similar cord was wrapped around her neck, and tied with a double knot at the back of her neck. The autopsy report stated that the official cause of death was “asphyxia by strangulation associated with craniocerebral trauma,” or suffocation by strangulation associated with extreme head trauma.

While there was no evidence of conventional rape, sexual assault could not be ruled out. No semen was found, but there was evidence of vaginal injury, and at the time of autopsy, it was clear that her vaginal area had been wiped clean with a cloth.
To this day, no one has been charged in the death of this little girl, and that leads one to wonder. What really happened to JonBenét?
In the months leading up to her death, JonBenét had expressed discomfort to her mother regarding her “private place.” About two weeks before her death, she began to talk about scary people in long black robes. These people would gather around her and stick “things” into her private place. These things hurt her.
She also spoke of the dark place where she was taken, people surrounding her wearing long black robes. A place where the only light was candlelight.
What could this mean? Some believe that JonBenét was killed as a ritual sacrifice for the Illuminati.

The Illuminati refers to various organizations or groups which are often alleged to conspire in world affairs. They mastermind events and plant agents in government and corporations in order to gain political power and influence. The Illuminati are often depicted as lurking in the shadows and pulling strings of power. Their goal? New World Order.
Could the Illuminati be responsible for the death of this little girl?
- There was approximately 2 inches of snowfall the night of JonBenét’s murder, yet there were no footprints or tracks in the snow leading up to the Ramsey home when Boulder police arrived. In addition, there was no sign of a break in of any type. All doors and windows had been locked. No windows were cracked or broken, and no door, window, or grate had been forced. The home security alarm had not been set off either.

- There were four people known to be in the house that night. JonBenét, her nine-year old brother, Burke, and John and Patsy (the parents). However, there has been evidence of at least one additional adult being in the house – pubic hair found in JonBenét’s blanket, DNA under her fingernails, and a drop of fluid on her stomach.
- A neighbor of the Ramsey’s, Melody Stanton, woke from a deep sleep the night of the murder. She said she heard the scream of a child for her brother Burke, to save her from being killed. She assumed it was sometime between midnight and 2:00 a.m., but didn’t check a clock. She said. “It was the longest, most horrible scream I have ever heard in my entire life. It sent shivers down my spine. I could tell the sound was coming from the Ramsey house and I knew instantly it had to be their little girl, JonBenét”. She waited to see if she heard more, and when she didn’t, she went back to sleep.
Three neighbors have gone on-record stating they heard this scream, yet the Ramsey’s claimed they heard no such thing.

- The ransom note found, was an 82% match to Patsy Ramsey’s handwriting, according to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. Patsy admitted it was written on the same kind of paper she kept in her kitchen. Detectives even found an entire draft of the ransom note in the home, on a legal pad on which the final ransom note had been written.

- Boulder PD contacted Dale yeager and Denise Knoke at Seraph, Inc in 1997. Seraph Inc is a security consulting firm with investigative professionals and former intelligence officers. They were asked to submit an analysis of the ransom note.
- Yeager and Knoke claimed, without hesitation, that Patsy Ramsey was the author of the note.
- They reported that Psalm 118:27b can be interpreted as the source of the $118,000 ransom demand.
- “Decorate the festival with leafy boughs and bind the sacrifices to be offered with thick cords to the horns of the altar” is commonly cited by “white supremacists” who use the redemption and sacrifice ideas as justification for killing.
- Their conclusion: “…you are investigating a child’s murder with ritualistic overtones. Strangulation and sexual assault are most commonly seen in sadomasochism between heterosexual and homosexual adults.”

- John Ramsey’s daughter (from his first marriage), Elizabeth, had memories of Satanic, ritual sexual abuse in which her father played a major role in the rituals. These memories were uncovered during therapy sessions after a failed suicide attempt. Several months after going public with these memories, she was dead, killed in a “freak” car accident. The manner of the accident has never been fully resolved to investigators satisfaction.
- There is a Satanic ring, centered in Denver, connecting to Boulder and Sedalia Colorado as well as many other communities such as Sedona, Arizona, and Omaha, Nebraska.
- JonBenét was killed on Christmas Eve and Josef Mengele created a sacrificial ritual for this date called, “The Last Bulb of the Christmas Tree.” Mengele’s pseudonym, Greenbaum, means green tree, and relates to the Cabalistic Tree of Life.
- The Illuminati term for the devil is JonBet, and it’s hard to believe that this was not the true inspiration for her name, JonBenét.
- John Ramsey ran Access Graphics, a company with offices in the Philippines, Amsterdam, Holland and Denver, Colorado. This company did business with the Wm. Morris Agency and had contracts with what is commonly known as Iran Contra.
- Access Graphics major bank accounts were parked at the Iran Contra money-laundry Silverado Savings and Loan – administered by the director of Silverado, Neil Bush, George W. Bush’s brother.
- Ramsey was on a list of witnesses never subpoenaed by former Iran Contra Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh.
- It can also be said that Ramsey had either knowingly, or unknowingly, pimped his daughter out as a prostitute to the Wm. Morris Agency, who took child “models” and used them to provide sexual services for pedophile’s in Government.
- Early on in the investigation, detectives probed John Ramsey’s many visits to Amsterdam, the child porn capital of the world. Child port was found on several computers in Ramsey’s business, and a large amount of kiddie porn had been downloaded on Access Graphics computers.
- Alex Hunter, Boulder’s district attorney, is a political ally of Haddon, Morgan & Foreman, the law firm representing the Ramsey’s. This could explain why the D.A.’s office, rather than investigating the Ramsey’s, they seemed more like collaborating with them. In April 1997, the Boulder police stopped sharing information with the D.A.’s office, feeling they could no longer trust them.
- “It is my belief the district attorney’s office has effectively crippled this case,” Det. Thomas wrote in his letter to Boulder Police Chief Mark Beckner. “The time for intervention is now.” Thomas asked that an independent prosecutor be appointed to take over the case.
- Thomas’s allegations included the following:
- Prosecutors shared physical evidence and reports with lawyers for John and Patsy Ramsey, the parents of the slain girl.
- Evidence remained in a laboratory untested as detectives and prosecutors grappled with how to proceed in the case.
- The District Attorney’s office did not clear innocent people, but pursued them with “shameless tactics.”

- In 1977, Miss America judge, Frank Deford, wrote in his notes that Patsy was “a little automaton – on automatic pilot.”
- JonBenét was noted for her ability to freeze all motion and hold a pose, incredible considering she was only six years old.
- It is common for the Illuminati to create mother/daughter mind-controlled teams of sex slaves for the purpose of entrapping public figures and thereafter holding them hostage.
So, was JonBenét’s death simply a sacrifice for the Illuminati, or some unrelated horrible crime? We may never know the true story.

John Ramsey’s oldest daughter began sharing with her therapist not long before JonBenets murder things she experienced and thought they were nightmares. She was taken to dark unknown places where men in black robes with hoods sexually abused her from childhood up into her teens.
She explained she was abused by her father beginning at an early age. Most of the children belonging to this vile satanic sect are put through MK Ultra although many still have their horrific memories. After several sessions talking about her memories and her father, John Ramsey also participates in sexually assaulting her there were several attempts made on her life. I’ve not stayed current in her story but I do know the underground of the Denver Airport was used for trafficking children and their sick sacrifices of infants and small children. The stories are shut down in Colorado and all over the US as many authorities, law enforcement, the elite are involved and participate in the torture, rape and murder of children. The echelon of our society is involved and because of who they are and positions they have they are never charged and arrested. Those in congress and even occupants of the White House have been and are members of this depraved group. The most recent president who was exposing them was impeached twice and imo had the election stolen as we are to believe the president with the most votes in HISTORY occupies the White House, Joe Biden. If people would research for themselves you can find enough information to understand exactly what their plans are for their New World Order. Presently we see our country being destroyed by ideology being pushed on the most innocent in public schools. Their plans for complete control have been made and are being implemented today if you just watch and listen. These are the most evil of the evil and they want your children.
See the psychopaths get attention in the media is getting a little old. They know an inbred/hybrid gets out of bed to commit atrocities. All their media is, is their attention hour.
I have revisited this story countless times, and I think this is the truest assessment of what might have happened. The tell tale signs are everywhere. Had anyone noticed the house? The front of it reminds me of The Illuminati pyramids. And the front gates remind me of the Free Masons double towers named Boaz and Joachin (so?). Surely not all of that could be planned too, right? But if an evil spirit were looking on the scene, one historically tributes in similar stages, might it be irresistible to orchestrate a kill in that location. I think it’s important to remember that just because we don’t “believe” in the crazy voodoo stories, absolutely doesn’t mean others don’t live by it.
Crazy… I didn’t know she was killed.. I thought she was missing.
It’s a tragedy. Poor girl deserved so much more.