Are you ready to play hide and seek with a demon? If you survive, you win a prize. The prize can be anything you wish for. But be careful; it’s possible that whatever you’re summoning here might decide that playing the game isn’t a fair enough bargain for what you’re asking for. If you lose, the demon gets to do whatever it wants with you, and I assure you, it won’t be pleasant. As with any game where you are contacting demons, The Dry Bones Ritual is very dangerous. Be aware that you are messing with things you do not understand and could end up losing your mind, being killed, or worse – losing your soul. Play at your own risk – you have been warned.
How to play:
1 – The Dry Bones Ritual must be played alone

You Will Need:
- A Bathroom.
- A Mirror. The mirror in your bathroom works as well as a hand mirror.
- Matches. You cannot use a lighter.
- A Watch or other Timekeeping device. Keeping accurate time is essential.
- Clear your home of people and pets. Make sure they know not to come back until the sun has risen the next morning.
- If the mirror isn’t already in the bathroom, place it there.
- Make sure the matches are somewhere on your person. The same for your timekeeping device.
The Invitation:
- Begin at 12:01 am.
- Securely close anything in your house that can open. This means doors, closets, cabinets, etc.
- Turn off all the lights in your house, as well as anything that might make noise.
- Enter the bathroom and close the door behind you.
- Face the mirror.
- If you hear anything unusual: Do not proceed. Leave immediately. Exit the house. Go somewhere safe. Do not return until daylight.
- If you hear nothing out of the ordinary: You may proceed.
- Think of something you want. Think about it hard. Visualize it in your head if you can.
- Light a match and count quietly to yourself. Do not blow it out.
- If the match burns out in under 15 seconds: Do not proceed. Leave immediately. Exit the house. Go somewhere safe. Do not return until daylight.
- If the match burns for at least 15 seconds: You may proceed.
- Lie on the ground and speak the words, “I am aware of your presence. I welcome you into my home. Come now.”
- Exit the bathroom. Close the door behind you. Go to the largest room in your house and wait. This could take minutes or hours, it varies from player to player.
- When he is ready, you will hear a faint moaning sound.
- If you hear anything else, do not proceed. Leave immediately. Exit the house. Go somewhere safe. Do not return until daylight.
Once the moaning begins, the game has begun.
The Game:

- Run. Hide. Do it quickly and quietly.
- Stay hidden until 3:00 am. This is not as easy as it sounds. Don’t let him see you.
- Don’t let him hear you. Don’t let him catch you.
The Farewell:
- At 3:00 am the game is over and it is safe to come out. Return to the largest room in your house. Close the door behind you. Speak the following words: “Thank you for playing, but you must leave now. You are no longer welcome.”
- You will hear a groan and he will leave. If you don’t hear anything, repeat the phrase until you do.
- Sleep, if you can.
- When you awaken, return to your everyday life. Your prize should be forthcoming.
- Do not play this game again.
A few notes for game play:
- Do NOT blow the match out. If you do, even accidentally, exit the area immediately. Go somewhere safe and do not return until daylight.
- Your wish should be something that is realistically attainable and should not involve bringing harm to another person. Some players have found that the price for their wish is greater than a simple game of hide and seek, and that is a debt you do not want to have to repay.
- Do NOT play the game again. You might have asked him to leave this time, but that won’t prevent him from visiting again. And if you actually invite him… it may not go so well.
If you enjoyed the Dry Bones Ritual, and want to try another, we suggest checking out The Three Kings Ritual.