Cancer has touched all our lives in one way or another. We hear about it all the time, but to be honest, who truly knows what cancer is?
Cancer is a name given to a broad group of diseases, all of which involve abnormal cell growth with potential to invade other parts of the body. There are over 100 types of cancers, all of which affect human beings. It is estimated that in 2018, 1,735,350 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the United States alone, and another 609,640 people will die as a result.
Cancer has been around for centuries. Even ancient Egyptians struggled with it, even concluding in 1600 B.C. there “there is no treatment.” It can be caused by a variety of outside forces. This includes smoking, viruses, carcinogens (or cancer-causing chemicals), obesity, hormones, radiation and more.
The cost for cancer is astronomical. In 2017, in the United States, cost was $147.3 billion, and costs are expected to increase as new, more expensive treatments are are adopted as the standard of care.
Cancer research has been going on for centuries. In 1775, Percivall Pott identified the first known environmental trigger for cancer – chimney soot. In 1950, cigarette smoke was identified as a cause for lung cancer. Further research focused on improving techniques for treating cancer, such as improved surgical skills for removing tumors. Radiation therapy took a strong foothold in the 1900’s, and then the advancement of Chemotherapeutics.

In the 1970’s the United States declared a “War on Cancer,” and increased funding and support for further cancer research. There are numerous organizations focused on finding a cure. One in particular, Susan G. Komen, is the largest and best-funded breast cancer organization in the United States. Founded by Nancy Goodman Brinker, in memory of her older sister, the Susan G. Komen organizations mission was to end breast cancer. But you have to wonder what all of their funding is really going towards.
The Susan G. Komen organization gives only 20% of its donations to cancer research, while their CEO receives an annual salary of $684,000. Clearly, the organization is doing something right, but cancer research is no longer a priority for them. Why is that?
It’s interesting, how after all this time, we still do not have a definitive cause for many types of cancer, and even the ones we do have causes for (such as lung cancer), scientists still can’t explain why Smoker A gets cancer while Smoker B does not.
Anyone else find it peculiar that Radiation is listed as a cause for cancer, and yet cancer is treated with the use of Radiation? Isn’t it odd that cancer research has yet to define a cure, yet the medical community will proudly proclaim their new “treatments” work better than ever, and all it will cost you is everything you have, and eventually your life, because there is “No cure?”
Or is there…
The human body contains a natural cancer fighting cell – the mitochondria. The mitochondria must be triggered to be effective, however scientists used to believe the mitochondria cells were damaged, and therefore useless against the cancer.

Today’s treatments are largely focused on glycolysis (the breakdown of glucose by enzymes, releasing energy and pyruvic acid). Glycolysis is inhibited by the presence of oxygen, which allows mitochondria to oxidize pyruvate to CO2 and H2O. Cancer cells rely on glycolysis, even when oxygen is present, further impairing the mitochondria.
Researchers at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada have found a simple cure for cancer. DCA, or dichloroacetate is a drug used to treat metabolic disorders and is widely available. They have developed a simple technique that produces no new side effects or harmful long term effects. DCA doesn’t rely on glycolysis, instead it focuses on the mitochondria, triggering it, which then causes it to fight the cancer cells.
As the mitochondria is triggered and begins to fight, the process of apoptosis (the death of cells that occurs as a normal and controlled part of an organism’s growth or development). As the mitochondria work, glycolysis is turned off, the body produces less lactic acid, and the bad tissue around cancer cells doesn’t break down and seed new tumors.
Fully functioning mitochondria also have a ‘self-destruct” that is inhibited in cancer cells. Triggering the mitochondria allow cancer cells to die, and stopping the growth of existing tumors.
Canadian scientists tested DCA on human cancer cells. It successfully killed lung, breast, and even brain cancer cells, all the while leaving the healthy cells alone. The drug was also tested on rats with severe tumors. The rats were given water supplemented with DCA, and the result? The cells shrank.
No doubt more research should be done, however pharmaceutical companies refuse to invest in it, as the DCA method cannot be patented, which doesn’t allow them to make money, like the current treatment options do.

Then there’s immunotherapy, a type of vaccine created by combining two agents that stimulate T cells, a type of immune cell, to attack cancer. Initially, T cells will attack cancer cells, but as the tumor grows, it is able to suppress the activity of the T cells, and they are no longer effective against it. Immunotherapy works by reactivating these cells.
The “vaccine” is injected directly into the tumor where the two agents work to activate the T cells. Since the newly activated T cells were already inside the tumor, they will recognize the cancer-specific proteins and destroy them.
Studies have shown that injecting the treatment into a single tumor actually eliminated tumors in other parts of the body as the T cells migrated. This treatment has also shown to prevent the cancer from returning.
This sort of immunotherapy is already in use for treating some types of cancer. CAR T-cell therapy, has been approved for use against leukemia and lymphoma. This treatment removes certain immune cells from the patient’s body, then genetically engineering them to fight the cancer. The new studies are removing the need to customize each treatment with the patient’s immune cells by waking up the existing T cells to fight what they already know.

One more way cancer is being cured is with the use of Resonant Frequency. Resonant Frequency is the method of increasing the amplitude of oscillation of an electric or mechanical system exposed to a periodic force whose frequency is equal, or very close to, the natural undamped frequency of the system. For example, when people shatter glass with the sound of their voice, this is resonant frequency.
Dr. Anthony Holland, a composer and musician, led a team of researchers to discover if they could re-create the effect of shattering glass on a living microorganism or cell. They decided to try sending a specific electric signal to the cell.
After extensive research, they found a device invented by Dr. James Bare, a physician from new mexico. The device uses a plasma antenna that pulses on and off, which is important as a constant pulse would generate so much heat it would destroy the cell. 15 months later, Dr. Holland and his team finally discovered a combination of two related frequencies that would shatter the cells. One low frequency, and one high frequency that had to be eleven times higher than the low, caused microorganisms to shatter like crystal glass.
The team moved on, past the harmless microorganisms and began to experiment on cancer cells. Starting with pancreatic cancer cells, they discovered they were vulnerable between the frequencies of 100,000 – 300,000 Hz. Then on leukemia cells, they were able to shatter them before they even had time to divide.

After more research and controlled experiments, it was found that the frequencies killed an average of 25-40% of leukemia cells, some cases even killing up to 60%. In addition to killing the cancer cells, cell growth rates were slowed by over 65%
So why are we still spending so much on big pharma? Because information like this isn’t readily available; you have to know what you’re looking for and track it down, and even then, it is often so over complicated it’s difficult to understand. What’s even harder is finding a doctor willing to break the norm and go with an unprecedented approach. And that’s just how they want it; keep the people giving their life to save their life, only to do it all over again when the cancer comes back.
Up Next: Killer Poison: Cyanide