The story of Vera Jo Reigle is a tragic one. Not only was an innocent woman murdered, her death brought to light the atrocities being committed by the people who were supposed to care for her. Acts so disturbing, that one could argue that if the law had been tougher on Cheri Lynne Brooks, Vera would still be alive today.
Vera Jo Reigle did not have an easy life. She was mentally challenged, stuck with the mind of an 8-year-old. Growing up, she suffered repeated sexual and physical abuse by her biological father, and after he went to prison, the abuse continued with her mother’s new boyfriend.
When she was 19, she befriended 13-year-old Zachary Brooks and within two years, they began a romantic relationship. But she wasn’t just starting a relationship with Zachary. There was also Cheri Lynne Brooks – Zachary’s mother. They treated Vera with kindness, and invited her into their home. She was a part of their family, and quickly moved in with them.
Unfortunately neither she, nor her own family, knew what she was walking into.
Cheri Lynne Brooks was born in 1962, in Fostoria, Ohio. She grew up in an abusive home, where she was sexually abused by her father who gave her the nickname “Sugar Babe.” At the age of 3, she, and her three siblings, were removed from the home and placed into foster care.
After her parents divorced in 1978, when Cheri was 16, she returned to live with her mother, Charlotte. But there was a problem. According to Charlotte, Cheri had told her she had a baby, a baby that the foster care system wouldn’t let her keep. According to Cheri, her mother hounded her until she admitted to having a baby. In both accounts, her mother wanted that baby.
According to Cheri’s caseworker, Sandy, Charlotte explained the situation and that she wanted the baby. Sandy informed her that there never was a baby, and that Cheri had become a “habitual liar” and that she “lived in a fantasy world.” She went on to say that, “whatever she [Cheri] wants to believe, she decides is reality.”
Cheri had a large extended family, whom she was always around – even during her time in foster care. Her cousin on her mother’s side, Daniel Bixler, was just two years older than her. At some point, the two had begun a sexual relationship. Both sides of the family were aware and accepting, and even called them “The Kissing Cousins.”
On August 9, 1981, Cheri gave birth to their child, Scottie. That year, the couple lost custody of the baby boy after allegations of sexual abuse committed by Cheri were brought into light. The baby was placed in his grandmother, Charlotte’s custody.
Sometime in the following months, Cheri met Mike Maloney, and the two married on March 5, 1982. On August 19, 1983, Cheri gave birth to her second son, Joshua. Due to the circumstances surrounding baby Scottie, Hancock County Children’s Services stepped in immediately. Cheri and Mike were to be supervised for the safety and care of the baby boy.
The small family moved into a trailer that was reportedly “filthy and unsanitary.” Though Cheri was eligible for the WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program, she refused several mandatory appointments, and was subsequently removed from the program. If you are unfamiliar with WIC, it provides funds for mothers to provide nutritious foods and supplies for infants and children. Without that funding, baby Joshua suffered.
Baby formula is expensive, and something WIC would have paid for – however without it, Cheri and Mike settled for regular milk – cow’s milk. Joshua’s pediatrician informed Cheri that milk was dangerous, but she didn’t care. It was likely the milk that caused the baby to have stomach issues, and made him a colicky baby.
For anyone unaware, colicky babies are difficult. Colic often begins suddenly with loud, nonstop crying. The baby can have all of its needs met, and continue crying for hours on end. The constant crying, and inability to comfort the baby often leads to high levels of stress and frustration.
It was during one particularly stressful night in November, 1983, when Mike lost his patience and slapped the baby in the face. He cursed at the baby and threw him on the couch. Cheri sat in a nearby chair and watched.
Fortunately, for baby Joshua, another family member was present and reported the incident to Children’s Services. When questioned, Cheri admitted to Children’s Services that Mike had slapped her several times, and had slapped Joshua because he “made Mike nervous.” Cheri admitted to never having intervened.
Baby Joshua was removed from their home and placed in protective custody on December 9, 1983.
Cheri and Mike continued to be supervised by Children’s Services, perhaps with hope that they could turn their lives around and take back custody of their baby. However, they did nothing to change, and Joshua was permanently committed to protective case of Hancock Children’s Services. Fortunately for Joshua, he was adopted and was able to grow up under another name.
Cheri hadn’t given up on having children though, and in 1984, she gave birth to her third son, Michael, Jr. Once again, allegations of abuse and neglect were reported, and Michael Jr. Was removed from their custody when he was only a few months old.
In spring 1986, Cheri gave birth to her first daughter, Maria. With Maria, Cheri was an entirely different mother. She was attentive and caring. Maria was kept clean, well fed, and reportedly dressed in “frilly” dresses. According to friends and family, Cheri was “obsessed” with her baby girl.
Things were looking up, but the cycle of abuse had not stopped with the arrival of a baby girl.
On the day before Easter, 1986, Cheri’s dad called his sister Wanda to inform her that he was taking baby Maria to the hospital. The girl was bleeding from her vagina. According to Charlotte, “someone had raped our little Maria. When Cheri changed her diaper it was all bloody down there.”
That night, Maria was treated and returned back into the care of her parents. Cheri was required to make an appointment to see the doctor the next day, and she agreed. The doctor quickly contacted the police.
That night, Cheri told her mother that she should take baby Maria home for the night. She didn’t understand why until police arrived at Cheri’s home, looking to remove Maria from her home. When they didn’t find her, Cheri refused to tell them where she was. But it didn’t take police long to find out where she had hidden the baby. By 6am the next morning, Maria had been permanently removed from Cheri’s custody.
It was never determined whether it was Mike or Cheri who had sexually assaulted Maria. Most suspect it had been Cheri, as she never let her baby girl out of her sight. Cheri never saw Maria again.
It was reported that Cheri was inconsolable and “never the same” after the loss of Maria. So, she did what you might expect, and had another baby. This time, she named her little girl, Cheri.
Just like baby Maria, Cheri was well cared for, but that didn’t end the abuse, and before she was 6 months old, baby Cheri was permanently removed from the home. Neither Joshua, Maria, or Cheri ever saw their birth mother again.
Cheri and Mike divorced in 1993, but not before she gave birth to a sixth child. On June 6, 1991, Kevin Lee “Punky” Brooks, Jr. was born. Baby Kevin was the child of Kevin Lee Brooks, Sr. It is unknown whether Cheri and Mike were separated at the time, or if Cheri had had an affair. Cheri and Kevin Sr. did eventually wed.
Cheri doted on baby Punky, and surprisingly she was allowed to keep him. Then on June 18, 1992, she gave birth to another baby boy, Zachary Curtis Brooks. And then on July 26, 1993, she had Garth Allen Brooks. In 1997, she gave birth to baby number 9, Chuck Alfred Brooks.
She retained custody of all four of these boys.
Punky had a violent streak, and even found himself a member of the Crips gang. In fact, it was well known that he was “the only person that Cheri was afraid of.” According to friends and family, Punky ruled the house. Despite this, Cheri loved her son, until he was taken from her, but this time it wasn’t by the government.
On Sunday July 4, 2010 at 9:53pm, the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office responded to a single vehicle pedestrian injury crash. The official police report stated:
It was learned that Eric W. Calvin, 32 years of age of FIndlay, was driving a 2007 Saturn northbound on CR 220. A Mr. Kevin L. Brooks Jr (Punky), 19 years of age of FIndlay, was walking northbound on CR 220. Mr. Calvin’s vehicle struck Mr. Brooks with the passenger side of the vehicle.
Mr. Brooks was taken from the scene to the Blanchard Valley Hospital by Hiaco EMS where he subsequently passed away.
Cheri was notified of the accident about 20 minutes after Punky had been taken to the hospital. By the time she and Kevin arrived, he was already gone.
Cheri wanted revenge, and she quickly sought it, despite the facts surrounding the accident.
That night, Punky had been walking with his girlfriend, Heather. The couple was out to buy some heroin. It’s worth noting that Cheri did not like Heather. Punky and Heather had been dating for several years, and even had a baby together. But the baby was a boy, something Cheri resented her for.
That night, Punky happened to be walking closest to the street when he was struck by the car. Cheri believed that Heather pushed him in front of the car. She worked herself up to believing that Heather had paid the driver of the car to hit and kill her son.
During a memorial gathering at their home, Cheri spotted Heather and quickly leaned over to Marsi, another relative. “I need you to do me a favor. I need you to beat Heather.”
Marsi wasted no time, and soon had Heather on the ground, punching her in the face, dragging her down the porch steps by her hair, and continuing the beating. The onlookers cheered her on, shouting, “take her to the curb, curb stomp her.”
For anyone who doesn’t know, curb stomping is a form of assault where the victim’s mouth is opened and forcibly placed on the curb like they are biting it, and then stomped on from behind, either on the neck or back.
Fortunately for Heather, Marci didn’t, instead continued beating her until her face was covered in blood and her nose was badly broken. Finished, she screamed at her, “that’s what you get for messing with my family. Because you killed Punky.”
Cheri had Punky cremated, but instead of burying or spreading his ashes, she placed the bag of ash on a shelf in her living room. She added one of his T-shirts, some of his Crip paraphernalia, and even had a spot where she could leave him his favorite candy bars.
Cheri had made a reputation for herself around town. She sold methamphetamine and was a bully and a manipulator. A pathological liar. It took very little to get people to do what she wanted, and people began to refer to her as Charles Manson – only more dangerous.
As we know, Punky wasn’t Cheri’s only son at this point. She also had Zachary, Garth, and Chuck. All three boys also had violent streaks.
She had her boys, but Cheri wanted another baby, a baby girl. Cheri had begun to pressure her son, Garth, to get his 15-year-old girlfriend, Gina, pregnant. When Gina did eventually get pregnant, Cheri opened her home to her. Within months, Gina realized her mistake.
Cheri was controlling, and did not treat Gina well. When she had had enough, she decided she had to move out. Before she was able to do so, however, she miscarried the baby. Cheri was furious, and Gina left, fleeing to several states away to be with family.
After the loss of Gina’s baby, she hatched a new plan. Zachary, now 13, was friends with 19-year-old Vera Jo Reigle.
Cheri actually knew Vera when she was a baby. Vera’s mother, Verna, and father, Willard, lived in the same apartment complex as Cheri and Mike had, and Vera was born around the time baby Maria was 6 months old.
After Maria was removed from her custody, Cheri turned her attention to Vera, often asking to spend time with her or even babysit. Cheri had grown so insistent, that Verna eventually had to tell her to back off, that Vera was her baby and not Cheri’s.
While Vera was a good baby, she had been born with developmental delays – diagnosed with ADD and having a below average IQ. As if that wasn’t hard enough, when she was 11-years-old, she was raped by her father.
Vera was easy going, and eager to please. This made her easily manipulated. She would also never develop past a mental maturity of an 8-12 year old.
The Brooks family and the Reigle family kept in touch over the years, and by the time Vera was 19, they were living only blocks away from one another.
Cheri encouraged Zachary to invite Vera over on a more regular basis. The more time Vera spent with the Brooks family, the more time Cheri had to convince her that she loved her, and her own mother didn’t. She even spread a rumor, telling people that Vera’s mother was dead.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, Cheri discovered that due to her disability, Vera received Social Security disability checks. Her efforts only escalated after that, and soon Vera had moved out of her family home, and into the Brooks’ home. Vera just had to sign her disability checks over to Cheri for rent.
Living with this new family, Vera wanted to please them. She ended up doing the majority of the cleaning around the house, and even found herself taking care of Cheri.
Cheri was diabetic, and had a lot of pain and issues with her feet. She was overweight and wheelchair bound. Vera was tasked with caring for Cheri’s feet. Removing bandages, giving her foot rubs and then rebandaging them. If Vera made a wrong move, or used too much pressure, she would be struck with a long stick that looked like a back scratcher.
After about a year, Vera had been cut off from all outside influence. Her cell phone was taken away, she couldn’t visit her family. Cheri told her that her mother wanted nothing to do with her. On the occasion Vera was out of the house and saw someone she knew, she would more-or-less hide. Waving quickly before rushing away, or giving no response at all.
Cheri began to encourage Zachary and Vera to become a couple. He was almost 15, and Vera was almost 21.
Zachary was cognitively challenged, and had a personality disorder. He was easily manipulated by his mother, and soon began to show a romantic interest in Vera – who was thrilled. Soon after, Vera became pregnant and Cheri was obsessed.
Vera was going to have a baby girl.
As her due date approached, Cheri became more possessive and unstable. Vera was nothing more than an incubator for her baby. She wasn’t allowed to pick out furniture or clothing. She wasn’t allowed to decide anything, including what the baby’s name would be. Cheri informed her that the baby would be named Willadean.
With Willadean due in December, Cheri stepped up her plans to take this baby as her own. In September, she told Zachary that he needed to give up his parental rights and sign them over to her. He agreed.
Toward the end of October, Cheri had another idea. Her birthday was November 3, and Willadean had to be born on her birthday.
Castor Oil has a history of serving as a homeopathic remedy for centuries. One of its uses has been to induce labor. As with anything, there were risks, and the dosage was one of them – typically about 4 tablespoons. Cheri bought three bottles and on November 3, mixed them with orange juice and had Vera drink it all.
Vera became incredibly sick, and went into labor just as Cheri had hoped. The baby was born 6 weeks early, but not until November 4. Baby Willadean was underweight, had difficulty breathing, and had heart problems.
Cheri maintained control of the baby. She told nurses not to take the baby to Vera, but keep her in the nursery. She didn’t like the nurses to hold the baby, and always told them to put her down. When Vera had the baby, she was there, telling her what to do and what not to do.
Despite everything, Vera persevered, fighting to be a good mom. She was attentive, affectionate, and spent as much time with her as she could.
But in Cheri’s mind, Willadean was hers. She beat Vera, or encouraged Zachary to do so. Vera was beaten nearly every day. She was secluded from everyone in the family, but never allowed to leave. If Vera made any move to leave, Cheri threatened Willadean’s life.
Calls were made to family services on Vera’s behalf by people who knew what the living situation was like in the Brooks’ family home. There was no running water, they used a bucket for their bathroom needs. They even had pigs living in the house.
When someone went to the house to question Vera about the abuse or what her life was like, she always lied, told them everything was okay, things were good.
But things were not okay, and definitely not good. Cheri had taken over Willadean. Though Vera was very much in love with Zachary, he showed zero interest in her. In fact, he was frequently on the prowl, even posting “I really need a girl” on his Facebook, nearly every other day.
By the time Willadean was two, Cheri began to lose interest, and wanted another baby. She began to pressure Zachary and Garth into getting another girl pregnant, and she didn’t want Vera to be the mother. She didn’t want Vera around at all.
The beatings escalated, and Cheri decided that Vera was only “allowed” to eat leftovers off of plates the others had already eaten from. Sometimes not even then. One night, after three days of being denied any food, Vera was so hungry, she made a fatal mistake.
Though at this time Punky had been dead for 7 months, Cheri continued to keep his shrine in place, including his favorite snack – a Kit-Kat bar. Desperate for food, Vera swiped the candy bar and ate it. Unfortunately, she had a witness. Remember Gina?
Somehow Gina had worked her way back into Cheri’s good graces, and was desperately trying to become Zachary’s girlfriend. It is believed that Gina went straight to Cheri, and Vera was severely punished. She was beaten, left with two black eyes, a broken nose, and a multitude of welts and bruises.
Vera was forced to sleep in a closet with the pig, forced to eat unmentionable things, such as feces, blood, and food straight from the garbage. At the same time, Cheri’s cousin, Danny Bixler and his girlfriend, Nicole Peters, came to stay with them. Danny had recently gotten out of prison, but already had an active warrant out, and was looking for a place to hide.
While Danny was a hard criminal, Nicole was sadistic and happily joined in the abuse of Vera – always with a smile on her face. Beating Vera brought them sexual excitement, and they would often pause during their beatings to have sex.
The week of March 20th, Cheri began to “joke” about killing Vera. According to her son, Michael, “Cheri wanted to drug Vera with her sleeping pills and Zachary wanted to get her high on pot, mix those two things together and then let her walk on the railroad tracks at nighttime. Eventually she would fall over and lay in the middle of the tracks. There would be no way for the conductor to stop the train in time.”
Shannon, Michael’s wife added, “then Cheri said they needed to cut her up, then put her on the tracks. Vera was sitting in the same room and Cheri looked over at her, waved and smiled, then turned back and started talking about it again.”
Gina said, “Cheri said if she did get smashed by the train there would be no way to identify her by fingerprints because she would be ‘like hamburger meat’.”
Joke or not, Cheri had ideas
On March 20, Cheri told Zachary that Vera was responsible for Punky’s death, telling him and Danny that Vera was the one who pushed Punky in front of the car. They had to kill Vera to avenge Punky’s death. Both Zachary and Danny exploded with rage.
On March 24, Cheri instigated a beating and sexual assault on Vera with a toothbrush.
On March 25, Vera was noticeably weak. She had been beaten and starved, and had difficulty walking at this point. At some point that day, Danny and Nicole followed Vera into the bathroom and stabbed her in the leg. According to Vera’s aunt, Wanda Smith, “Cheri said she took her finger and stuck it in the hole on Vera’s leg where they stabbed her.”
Cheri confirmed this statement later.
When Vera begged for food, 14-year-old Chuckie brought in dog feces and forced her to eat it.
On March 26, Vera endured even more abuse, being stabbed repeatedly by Danny. At some point he handed his knife off to Angel, a family friend and asked her if she “wanted to slice on Vera or cut her up.” It is unknown whether she took part, but she did later report witnessing Zachary, Danny, and Nicole beating her.
When Angel’s mother arrived at the home later that day, Cheri explained the behavior by saying “that Vera had been mean to one of the Bixler boys (cousins of the Brooks) babies and that was why she was being beaten.” Vera just stood there with her head down, waiting for more blows.
While all of this was going on, Chuckie, Garth, and some of their Bixler cousins got into a fight with another group of teenagers in front of the house. Police were called but by the time they arrived, most of the fight had broken off, and they had no reason to approach the house.
The events of that evening are unclear. Everyone involved in some way or another, has a different story to tell. The outcome is the same.
Zachary, Danny, and Nicole forced Vera Jo Reigle to put on her shoes and take a walk with them. She didn’t want to, but had no choice. As she walked out of the home, she said “Goodnight, Sugar Babe.”
They walked Vera to the railroad tracks where they continued their earlier abuse by stabbing her relentlessly with a knife that by this time had become unbearably dull.
They forced her to take off her clothes, then stabbed her again and again. When she was close to death, unable to move or do anything, they had her lie down sideways on the tracks and left her there to die.
They discarded the knife into a nearby lake.
When the train came, it could not stop in time. The conductor thought he saw a deer on the tracks. He was shocked to find a human body under his train, the space between her body and the bottom of the train was only 6 inches.
Police questioned the Brooks family, and immediately Cheri tried to blame the murder on Vera’s “black boyfriend.” But she had no boyfriend.
Then police found Nicole’s bloody shirt, a belt, and even a lock of Vera’s hair.
Danny and Nicole confessed to murder, and told police that Cheri had given Vera drugs and talked them into killing her – including instructions on how to do it. The pair took plea deals, and Danny was sentenced to 40 years to life for murder, and Nicole received 23 years for conspiracy.
Zachary was charged with obstruction of justice, and was sentenced to 4 years.
Michael was charged with obstruction of justice, and sentenced to 30 days in jail with 5 years probation.
Shannon was charged with obstruction of justice, however she took a deal in exchange for her cooperation. She received probation.
Garth was charged with obstruction of justice, and given a fine.
Chuckie was charged with obstruction of justice. During the time of sentencing, he was already serving time in the juvenile detention facility for truancy. The judge sentenced him to a rehab program in a juvenile institution out of state with the stipulation that if he did not complete the program, they would hold him until his 21st birthday. He completed the program and was released just prior to his 18th birthday.
Scottie was charged with obstruction of justice, and was sentenced to probation.
Kevin Brooks Sr. was not charged in connection with Vera’s murder.
Cheri was not charged in connection with Vera’s murder.
The only good outcome is that Willadean was taken from Cheri, and has since been adopted by a loving family.
The day after Vera’s murder, police searched the riverbank and found her clothes. Inside the pocket of her favorite purple hoodie, police found a note which read:
“I love you Willadean. You are a good little baby girl to us. I am glad to be your mommy and I am glad that I had you on Nov. 4 at 4:16 a.m., six pounds, two ounces, nineteen inches long. Mommy loves you.”
The note has been given to Willadean’s adoptive family to give to her sometime in the future when the time is right.
Interested in learning more about Vera Jo Reigle and Cheri Brooks? Check out the documentary, Goodnight Sugar Babe.
If you’re interested in another horrific abuse story, read all about Kelly Anne Bates, who also moved in with her boyfriend.
View Comments (6)
These people are stupidly sick. That Cheri and I emphasize on that, because it is what it is, she is disgusting, she calls herself a woman. In some sort of way, you cannot blame her kids because she was the one that taught them everything but they do no wrong from right. Throw them all in jail that had anything to do with her murder and then throw away the key.I'm that disgusting bitch.
Thanks for taking the time to read Vera's story. I am shocked that you haven't heard about it, living so close. Honestly, I had not considered the possibility of her having powerful friends, but it makes so much sense.
It would be nice to think that Cheri learned her lesson and stopped her disgusting behavior, but I imagine that it's only a matter of time before she's caught abusing someone else.
I definitely agree that this case needs to be reopened and reexamined, particularly with respect to Cheri's degree of involvement. I can't believe I had not heard of this case until now. Findlay is only a few minutes away from where I live, however local authorities never like for us to hear much about these types of horrific murders as it might cause great panic and possible vengence to ensue. This has definitely got to be one of the most sad and disturbing cases I've ever heard of, and it angers me to know that Cheri has somehow managed to slip past the legal system in every one of her crimes, including the multiple rapes of infants. There are folks serving life sentences for a fraction of what Cheri has committed. She must be protected somehow - possibly by the Crips or even the police themselves. This area is notorious for having more than our fair share of corrupt local officials and law enforcement, especially with respect to their active involvement in local,sex rings and trafficking operations. I wouldnt doubt for a heartbeat that Cheri has got some powerful connections in high places. Anyone else would've been locked up for life years ago. And the fact that she received only 40 months for what is typically a 20 year min offense further suggests she has buddies in high places. Truly disgusting.
Thanks for the link to the petition. I have just signed it.
Who thinks that this case should be re-opened and the REST of these absolute monsters should face REAL penalties for what they did to #justiceForVeraJo Reigle? #messersmith
YT doesn't seem to think this content is worthy to push out to the greater #truecrimecommunity , so I am asking this community a favor! We need MILLIONS of people to see what these creatures have done, please SHARE this video,
(Shannon Brooks 1st Interrogation)
And let's do what we can to get REAL justice for Vera Jo! Thank you all!
If anyone has information on how to legally petition for a criminal case to be re-opened, please contact me, my information is in the "about" page. I am currently doing research on it as well. We can do this!