You’ve moved to Alaska, and despite your education and skills, the only job available is exotic dancer. Not ready to give up, you take the job and enjoy the freedom and money it provides you. When a photographer who loves your look, offers you a job, you don’t hesitate. Little did you know, you wouldn’t be getting your picture taken. In fact, the only “shots” Robert Hansen took were with a rifle.
Continue reading “Robert Hansen: Hunting for Humans”Javed Iqbal – Strangled, Dismembered and Burned
Being a child, orphan or runaway, in the streets of Pakistan is hard enough. When you add to that the threat of a serial killer, your odds of survival drop dramatically. Javed Iqbal grew up relatively wealthy, but ended up finding his place in the slums, living among his intended victims.
Continue reading “Javed Iqbal – Strangled, Dismembered and Burned”Willie Pickton, the Pig Farmer
When you think of Canada, you think of kind helpful, generous, hard working people. The sort of people who would gladly give you the shirt off their back if you were cold, give you their last piece of bread if you were hungry, and welcome you inside. It’s hard to imagine that Canada is also home to Willie Pickton, one of the most vile serial killers ever known.
Continue reading “Willie Pickton, the Pig Farmer”Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess
The year is 1600, and your parents have sent you to stay with a beautiful countess in her castle. The countess was going to teach you all of the things that would make you a perfect lady, but that’s what she told your family. Once you were in her custody, the nightmare began. She cut her girls and drank their blood. Sometimes she would kill them, and fill a bath with their blood to bathe in. Your turn was coming up. She is Elizabeth Bathory.
Continue reading “Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess”Lavinia Fisher: The First Female Serial Killer
You’ve been traveling all day, and you and your horses are both tired. Luckily, just outside of Charleston, South Carolina, there is a Wayfarer House, a rest stop where you could take a rest, and even spend the night. The hosts are quite friendly, striking up conversation, asking about you and your life. Before bed, the hostess gives you a cup of tea. Little did you know, it was poisoned. Your body was taken to the cellar and buried, unceremoniously, alongside their other victims. You have just met Lavinia Fisher.
Continue reading “Lavinia Fisher: The First Female Serial Killer”Big Ed Kemper, the Co-ed Killer
Imagine this. A serial killer is on the loose killing girls from the college you attend. The school and police both request that you walk in groups, and never accept a ride from anyone you don’t know – unless they have a University sticker on their car. You and a friend start walking toward home when a car pulls up and the driver offers you a ride. The car has a University sticker on it, so you both go ahead and get in. Unfortunately, you just got into the car with Ed Kemper, the Co-ed Killer.

Bobby Joe Long, the Classified Rapist
Bobby Joe Long smiled, “Well, I guess you got me good … Yes, I killed them … All the ones in the paper. I did them all.”

Daniel Gonzalez: Freddy For a Day
Most of us have experienced the fear of watching Freddy Krueger invade dreams and Jason Voorhees calmly walk through camp, stalking his next camp counselor. But that sort of thing is only in the movies, at least that’s what my parents always said. But what if that wasn’t true, and there was someone out there, just like Freddy or Jason. Or even worse, Freddy AND Jason. Enter Daniel Gonzalez.
Continue reading “Daniel Gonzalez: Freddy For a Day”David Parker Ray and his Toy Box of Torture
Bad choices and money problems; we’ve all been there, so we can empathize with Cynthia Vigil Jaramillo when she ran into the same predicament. She felt she had no choice but to turn to prostitution, which she did in Albuquerque, New Mexico. One night, working the streets, David Parker Ray rolled up next to her. Thinking he was just another client, she wasn’t concerned when he got out of the car. That is until he told her he was an undercover police officer.
Continue reading “David Parker Ray and his Toy Box of Torture”Gary Heidnik: The People Collector
For a working woman, every day is a risk, but you take it anyway. You go to the home of your latest client. Nothing seems out of sorts; you have sex, and while you wait for him to bring you money, you start to get dressed. What you don’t know, is this man wants more than just sex. This was a reality for Josefina Rivera (25), on November 25, 1986, the day she met Gary Heidnik.
Continue reading “Gary Heidnik: The People Collector”