Samodiva is the siren of Bulgarian folklore. Also known as samovila, vila, or samodivi, her name, formed by combining the words ‘samo’ and ‘diva’ ultimately translates to ‘wild alone,’ which describes her general nature. The word ‘diva’ can also be translated to divine, which lends itself to the belief that samodivas are the daughters of the Thracian goddess Bendis. (Bendis is associated with hunting and is often accompanied by dancing satyrs and maenads.)
Continue reading “Samodiva: The Bulgarian Siren”Krampus
As we enter the holiday season, we get that warm and cozy feeling, thinking of friends and family, hot chocolate, yummy food, and gifts. For the kids, Santa Claus is a reminder that good boys and girls get rewarded when they’ve behaved all year, and for those of us living in the United States, the worst thing we have to worry about is being put on Santa’s naughty list. However, things are not all happy, cheery, and bright when you get to Europe. Sure, they celebrate in a similar fashion, but Santa’s naughty list is the least of their worries. In Europe, the naughty have to face Krampus.
Continue reading “Krampus”Walking Sam
Teenage years are tough. School, relationships, responsibilities, and puberty on top of it. The last thing you need is someone telling you you’re worthless, or undeserving of affection; someone encouraging you to end your life. Unfortunately, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, this is a reality, and the words of discouragement are coming from Walking Sam.
Continue reading “Walking Sam”The Jersey Devil
Walking on two legs, it’s feet are cloven hooves. It has a face like that of a horse with horns or antlers sprouting from the top of its head. It’s body resembles a kangaroo, with the wings of a bat and a tail like a lizard, its hands clawed talons. It feeds on dogs, chickens, and other small animals. Now imagine being in the New Jersey Pinelands, and coming face to face with this creature – the Jersey Devil.

Imagine this: It’s winter, you, your brother and sister, and some friends are staying in an awesome lodge in the mountains, something you do every year. Everything is great, until a few of your friends decide to play a nasty prank on you. Instead of being the butt of their joke, you take off, only your sister pursuing you – that is until something else appears. It’s large, monstrous, and spewing fire. You both run until you’re cornered on a cliff, but you both slip and fall. Your sister dies instantly, but you’re still alive. Your body is broken, you can’t move, but you’re still alive. The creature that was chasing you has disappeared, and no one can hear your screams.

One year later, your brother and friends return to the cabin. You’re not the same person. You’re hungry, and you can’t control your insatiable appetite. You’ve become the same as the creature that chased you over the cliff. You are a wendigo.
The Red Piano: Russian Urban Legend
An urban legend is a tale passed on from person to person, generation to generation, until eventually, it’s roots have become difficult to trace. Some urban legends are based on real life events, while others are simply stories. Every culture has their own legends; even Russia. This one is about the Red Piano.
Continue reading “The Red Piano: Russian Urban Legend”The Demon at Goatman’s Bridge
With fiery glowing red eyes, the Goatman stands on guard at the Old Alton Bridge. He is the master of the bridge, possessed by a demon from another realm. This isn’t the Old Alton Bridge any longer. Now it’s the Goatman’s Bridge.
Continue reading “The Demon at Goatman’s Bridge”Okiku: The Doll Who Grows Human Hair
Most people would agree that dolls are creepy. They are intended to be nothing more than a child’s plaything, and yet, they terrify adults. Perhaps that’s because of dolls like Okiku, who grows human hair.
The Legend of La Llorona
Kuchisake Onna: The Slit Mouthed Woman
Samurai (/saməˌrī/)
Noun: A member of a powerful military caste in feudal Japan, especially a member of the class of military retainers of the daimyos.
During the Heian period (794-1185 AD), there was a Samurai who was a most fearsome warrior. While away, working to subdue the native Emishi people in the Tohoku Region, his wife, Kuchisake was left home, unattended.