In Native American folklore there is the Acheri. A vengeful spirit, said to dwell on mountain sides and hill tops, waiting for night, so that she may travel into the valleys and spread disease among the children of a tribe.
The Acheri is a Chippewa legend. She was a young girl who died in a very unpleasant manner, from an unknown disease. Her spirit rose and became a plague upon the living.
She didn’t have to touch her victims, merely cast her shadow on them. Soon after, the child would succumb to a terrible respiratory disease, that almost always kills them. To be touched by the Acheri is as certain as death.
The Acheri is not picky when it comes to her victims. She will kill any and all children she can, and will even turn on adults.
She can appear normal, looking like a somewhat gaunt child, and therefore go unnoticed. However, her true form is far more horrifying. The Acheri does not show her true form, unless she is cornered, and will usually withdraw to her mountain home if she is seen by an adult.

The Acheri will sometimes lure children to its home, where it then takes out its vengeance upon them. The more people they harm, the more power the Acheri gains.
How do you stay safe from the Acheri? Wear a bracelet or necklace of red thread. It may not always work, but it is your safest bet.
On the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, they have the legend of Walking Sam.